[BOEK][B] Dealing with diversity, Sri Lankan discourses on peace and conflict

GE Frerks, B Klem - 2004 - research.wur.nl
Dealing with Diversity: Sri Lankan Discourses on Peace and Conflict Georg Frerks and Bart
Klem [eds] What is the conflict in Sri Lanka? An ethnic problem? A historical threat to …

[PDF][PDF] The use of peace conditionalities in conflict and post-conflict settings: a conceptual framework and a checklist

GE Frerks - 2006 - library.wur.nl
© Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael. All rights reserved. No part of
this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by …

[PDF][PDF] Conditioning peace among protagonists: A study into the use of peace conditionalities in the Sri Lankan peace process

GE Frerks, B Klem - 2006 - library.wur.nl
Following several generations of aid conditionality in the realms of economic reform and
good governance, it was in the course of the 1990s that ‘peace conditionalities’ came to the …

[PDF][PDF] Omgaan met rampen

GE Frerks - Omgaan met rampen, 1999 - library.wur.nl
Het vak Rampenstudies beoogt de oorzaken, het verloop en de gevolgen van rampen te
verklaren. De mondiale context en de aard van noodsituaties zijn de afgelopen decennia sterk …

[PDF][PDF] How local governments contribute to peace-building

GE Frerks, M Klem - City diplomacy, the role of local governments in …, 2008 - library.wur.nl
This book The term city diplomacy has been applied to many types of international action by
local governments. Nevertheless, it has increasingly come to mean the involvement of local …

[BOEK][B] Participation in development activities at the local level: Case studies from a Sri Lankan village

GE Frerks - 1991 - search.proquest.com
Participation in development activities at the local level: Case studies from a Sri Lankan village
Georg E. Frerks Page 1 Participation in development activities at the local level: Case studies from …

[PDF][PDF] Review Essay: Lebanon—The Challenge of Moving Analysis beyond the State

GE Frerks, NM Stel - 2013 - repository.ubn.ru.nl
In many countries, governance—the provision of security, welfare and representation—is
not a prerogative of the state alone. Besides the usual NGOs, firms and lobbies,“non-state-…

[PDF][PDF] Vertogen voor vrede?

GE Frerks, B Klem - Vrede en veiligheid: tijdschrift voor internationale …, 2004 - library.wur.nl
Vredesinitiatieven van de internationale gemeenschap vertonen belangrijke tekortkomingen,
die vooral op het cognitieve vlak liggen. Een focus op ‘vertogen’over conflict en vrede kan …

[PDF][PDF] Internationale lessen over de organisatie van de nafase bij rampen

MLA Dückers, GE Frerks - Magazine nationale veiligheid en …, 2011 - library.wur.nl
De eerste les betreft een oud aandachtspunt in de crisisbeheersing. Na de aardbeving in
Haïti wordt echter opnieuw geconcludeerd dat een sterk en besluitvaardig leiderschap op …

[PDF][PDF] Security Promotion in Fragile States: Can Local Meet National?

RC Willems, GE Frerks, W Verkoren, M Derks, H Rouw - 2009 - researchgate.net
The connection between community security and Disarmament, Demobilization and
Reintegration (DDR) is a largely omitted topic in most current policy approaches and is relatively …