The ideal Bose-Einstein gas, revisited

RM Ziff, GE Uhlenbeck, M Kac - Physics Reports, 1977 - Elsevier
Some questions concerning the ideal Bose-Einstein gas are reviewed and examined further.
The bulk behavior including the condensation phenomenon is characterized by the …

A stochastic model related to the telegrapher's equation

M Kac - The Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 1974 - JSTOR
Indeed, the first step will certainly take me a distance v At in the positive direction. Now I must
toss my coin and find what will happen to the velocity. It will change from v into€ ļt;, ie, it will …

Foundations of kinetic theory

M Kac - Proceedings of The third Berkeley symposium on …, 1956 -
The basic equation of the kinetic theory of dilute monatomic gases is the famous nonlinear
integro-differential equation of Boltzmann. In the simplest case when the molecules of the gas …

[BOEK][B] Probability and related topics in physical sciences

M Kac - 1959 -
Page 1 APPLIED Lectures in MATHEMATICS Volume 1.A Probability and Related Topics in
Physical Sciences Summer Seminar in Applied Mathematics June 23–July 19, 1957 Boulder …

Can one hear the shape of a drum?

M Kac - The american mathematical monthly, 1966 - Taylor & Francis
Can One Hear the Shape of a Drum? Page 1 CAN ONE HEAR THE SHAPE OF A DRUM?
MARK KAC, The Rockefeller University, New York To George Eugene Uhlenbeck on the …

[PDF][PDF] On the average number of real roots of a random algebraic equation

M Kac - 1943 -
(1) Xo+ Xxx+ X2x2+•••+ In-i^" 1= 0, where the X's are independent random variables assuming
real values only, and denote by Nn= N (X0f•••, Xn-i) the number of real roots of (1). We …

[PDF][PDF] On the notion of recurrence in discrete stochastic processes

M Kac - 1947 -
1. Introduction. It is the purpose of this note to discuss" statistical" versions of the"
Wiederkehrsatz" and the Poincaré cycle and to relate these versions to the ones encountered in …

On some connections between probability theory and differential and integral equations

M Kac - Proceedings of the second Berkeley symposium on …, 1951 -
The aim of this paper is consequently much more modest. We wishmainly to illustrate, on a
variety of examples, the interplay between probability problems and the analytic tools used to …

Random walk and the theory of Brownian motion

M Kac - The American Mathematical Monthly, 1947 - Taylor & Francis
1. Introduction. In 1827 an English botanist, Robert Brown, noticed that small particles
suspended in fluids perform peculiarly erratic movements. This phenomenon, which can also be …

[BOEK][B] Statistical Independence in Probability, Analysis and Number

M Kac - 2018 -
This concise monograph in probability by Mark Kac, a well-known mathematician, presumes
a familiarity with Lebesgue's theory of measure and integration, the elementary theory of …