[BOEK][B] Het cement van de samenleving: een verkennende studie over solidariteit en cohesie
AE Komter, JPL Burgers, G Engbersen - 2000 - books.google.com
Er wordt vaak iets te gemakkelijk en vanzelfsprekend over'de'solidariteit en'de'cohesie in de
samenleving gesproken, alsof het om eenvoudige en eendimensionele begrippen gaat …
samenleving gesproken, alsof het om eenvoudige en eendimensionele begrippen gaat …
[BOEK][B] Social solidarity and the gift
AE Komter - 2005 - books.google.com
This book brings together two traditions of thinking about social ties: sociological theory on
sol idarity and anthropological theory on gift exchange. The purpose of the book is to explore …
sol idarity and anthropological theory on gift exchange. The purpose of the book is to explore …
Codebook of the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study: a multi-actor, multi-method panel study on solidarity in family relationships, Wave 2, Version 2.0, April 2012
PA Dykstra, M Kalmijn, TCM Knijn, AE Komter… - 2012 - pure.knaw.nl
This publication is version 2 of the codebook of the second wave of the Netherlands Kinship
Panel Study (NKPS). For background information on the NKPS, we refer the reader to the …
Panel Study (NKPS). For background information on the NKPS, we refer the reader to the …
[BOEK][B] The gift: An interdisciplinary perspective
AE Komter - 1996 - books.google.com
What moves us to give gifts to other people? The Gift brings together perspectives on gift
exchange and reciprocity from different social scientific disciplines. The first part of this book …
exchange and reciprocity from different social scientific disciplines. The first part of this book …
10 Gratitude and Gift Exchange
AE Komter - The psychology of gratitude, 2004 - books.google.com
In our commonsense thinking about gratitude, we are inclined to think of it as a warm and
nice feeling directed toward someone who has been benevolent to us. The definitions of …
nice feeling directed toward someone who has been benevolent to us. The definitions of …
Reciprocity as a principle of exclusion: Gift giving in the Netherlands
AE Komter - Sociology, 1996 - journals.sagepub.com
In this paper the sociological significance of informal giving in the Netherlands is addressed.
Does informal giving in any way compensate for the failing efficacy of official politics to …
Does informal giving in any way compensate for the failing efficacy of official politics to …
De macht van de dubbele moraal: verschil en gelijkheid in de verhouding tussen de seksen
AE Komter - 1990 - philpapers.org
Aafke E. Komter, De macht van de dubbele moraal: verschil en gelijkheid in de verhouding
tussen de seksen - PhilPapers Sign in | Create an account PhilPapers PhilPeople PhilArchive …
tussen de seksen - PhilPapers Sign in | Create an account PhilPapers PhilPeople PhilArchive …
Solidarity in Dutch families: family ties under strain?
AE Komter, WAM Vollebergh - Journal of Family Issues, 2002 - journals.sagepub.com
The nature and extent of interpersonal exchange of care and help may indicate solidarity
and cohesion in modern society. This article focuses on intergenerational solidarity. On the …
and cohesion in modern society. This article focuses on intergenerational solidarity. On the …
Where is the exit? Intergenerational ambivalence and relationship quality in high contact ties
RI Van Gaalen, PA Dykstra, AE Komter - Journal of Aging Studies, 2010 - Elsevier
We challenge the common idea that solidarity has positive, whereas conflict has negative
implications, by investigating intergenerational ambivalence – defined as the co-occurrence of …
implications, by investigating intergenerational ambivalence – defined as the co-occurrence of …
Solidarity and ambivalence: Comparing two perspectives on intergenerational relations using longitudinal panel data
MJA Hogerbrugge, AE Komter - Journals of Gerontology Series …, 2012 - academic.oup.com
Objectives. Research on family relations has extensively used the intergenerational solidarity
model proposed by Bengtson and colleagues. Recently, the relevance of this model for …
model proposed by Bengtson and colleagues. Recently, the relevance of this model for …