Beknopte theoretische pedagogiek

MJ Langeveld - 1946 -
In de twee inleidingen wordt ingegaan op de opvoedingswetenschap als menswetenschap
en op de aard, taak en noodzaak van de theoretische pedagogiek. Afgevraagd wordt wat …

[BOEK][B] Studien zur Anthropologie des Kindes

MJ Langeveld - 2013 -
Aus meinen Forschungen über die Anthropologie des Kindes habe ich mehrfach in Gastvorträgen
an der Hamburger Universität berichtet. Das geschah auf Veranlassung von Wilhelm …

[PDF][PDF] The secret place in the life of the child

MJ Langeveld - Phenomenology+ Pedagogy, 1983 -
In the lifeworid of the child there exist hidden places which permit the child the possibility of
experiencing in a normal manner access to strange and unfamiliar worlds around him. …

[PDF][PDF] Reflections on phenomenology and pedagogy

MJ Langeveld - Phenomenology+ Pedagogy, 1983 -
As we all know, nothing is so silent as that which is self-evident. Thus it becomes our task to
render audible, readable, articulate, that which is silent. As we all know too, humans are not …

[PDF][PDF] The stillness of the secret place

MJ Langeveld - Phenomenology+ Pedagogy, 1983 -
Children are not formed and influenced by schooling alone; they are drawn just as much by
their own world and their own self-constituted environments. And for this, children do not …

[PDF][PDF] How does the child experience the world of things?

MJ Langeveld - Phenomenology+ Pedagogy, 1984 -
Nothing seems so clearly, so self-evidently given as “things,” the stuff or objects of our world.
Children apparently need only learn what the things are, and in this way something that is …

Disintegration and Reintegration of" Pedagogy"

MJ Langeveld - International Review of Education, 1958 - JSTOR
Schon bei der an sich ungenauen englischen Terminologie, nach der „education" gleichermaßen
als Studienfach und als Erziehungs- und Bildungsprozeß verstanden werden kann, …

[PDF][PDF] What is the Meaning of Being and Having a Father?

MJ Langeveld - Phenomenology+ Pedagogy, 1987 -
When does a newly born really have parents? To be sure, newly born babies usually find in
their mother or father the immediate sources of their nourishment, their security, and their …

De psychologie en de fysiologie Van de mens

MJ Langeveld - Tijdschrift voor Philosophie, 1945 - JSTOR
Een kleine twintig jaar geleden verscheen het standaardwerk van Head over aphasie en
verwante spraakstoornissen, een boek dat ogenblikkelijk alies wat over dit onderwerp tevoren …

In search of research

MJ Langeveld - Paedagogica Europaea, 1965 - JSTOR
Dans la plupart des universités européennes les facultés ou instituts pédagogiques sont peu
développés. Les gouvernements et les autorités universitaires se sont limités souvent aux …