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[BOEK][B] Disputatio medica inauguralis continens diversas positiones medicas

JH Munnicks - 1717 - books.google.com
Fluidarum vero fi reperiatus legitima-mixtura quoad particulas minimas, five facultates Juvaus
Hippocrati dictas, fc. falfas, amaras, acidas & fexcenta alia; bona materiatura audit. Ac hæ …

[BOEK][B] Johannis Munnicks, med. doct. Dissertatio de urinis, earundemque inspectione

J Munnicks - books.google.com
DEDICATIO. poffum, faltem hoc libelli de urinis munere (quem hifce temporum ruinis ac
quafi Rcip: parietinis horis fubfecivis per otium confcripfi) defungar: Debui enim publice grato …

[BOEK][B] Johannis Munnicks, doctoris & professoris medici Cheirurgia, ad praxin hodiernam adornata: In qua veterum pariter ac neotericorum dogmata dilucide …

J Munnicks - 1715 - books.google.com
Aud immeritò actum agere videar, quod poteft tot landatißimos auctores Cheirurgiam
fcribere voluerim. Sed quamvis hoc viri multi, ingenio prastantißimi atquè in praxi verfatißimi, …

[CITAAT][C] 1685

HA Van Rheede tot Draakestein, J Munnicks - Hortus indicus malabaricus

[CITAAT][C] Disputatio Medica Inauguralis De Febre Quotidiana Intermittente...

J Munnicks - Halma

[CITAAT][C] Joannis Munnicks MD & Professoris Ultrajectini. Anatomia nova qua juxta neotericorum inventa tota res anatomica breviter et dilucidè explicatur

J Munnicks, JC Morf, J Tenet



Historical evolution of anatomical terminology from ancient to modern

T Sakai - Anatomical Science International, 2007 - Springer
The historical development of anatomical terminology from the ancient to the modern can
be divided into five stages. The initial stage is represented by the oldest extant anatomical …

The foramen of Rivinus—an artefact

A Griffith - The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 1961 - cambridge.org
IN 1717, Rivinus submitted his inaugural medical dissertation at Leipzig. He chose the subject"
De auditus vitiis"—concerning faults of hearing. Much of the matter of this thesis is taken …

Plastering the Head with Crushed Snails to Treat Pediatric Hydrocephalus: An Ancient Therapy with a Pharmacological Basis

P Missori, A Currà - The Neuroscientist, 2012 - journals.sagepub.com
In the Middle Ages, medical therapy for pediatric hydrocephalus was characterized by the
application of drying substances to decrease the size of the heads of affected children. A …