Sediment transport, part I: bed load transport

LC Van Rijn - Journal of hydraulic engineering, 1984 -
A method is presented which enables the computation of the bedload transport as the product
of the saltation height, the particle velocity and the bed‐load concentration. The equations …

Sediment pick-up functions

LC Van Rijn - Journal of Hydraulic engineering, 1984 -
Experimental research has been performed to determine the sediment pick-up by a uniform
flow without initial sediment load. A sediment lift was designed by which the sediment …

Two-equation turbulence model for flow in trenches

BJ Alfrink, LC Van Rijn - Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 1983 -
Steady recirculating flow is described by means of a mathematical model based on the full
unsteady Reynolds equations and the K ‐ ε model for turbulence closure. The model is …

Applications of sediment pick-up function

LC van Rijn - Journal of hydraulic engineering, 1986 -
Two applications are presented of a recently proposed empirical sediment pick-up function.
The first application deals with bed load transport which is computed as the product of the …

Model for suspended sediment transport

PMJ Kerssens, LC van Rijn, A Prins - Journal of the Hydraulics …, 1979 -
A mathematical model for suspended sediment transport is described, which enables the
investigation of certain effects of river works or geometrical changes, or both, in a river or …

[PDF][PDF] Harbour siltation and control measures

LC Van Rijn - URL http://www. leovanrijn-sediment. com …, 2016 -
Siltation of mud and silt in harbour basins is a problem that exists as long as harbours exist
and is related to their basic function, providing shelter by creating quiescent conditions. Many …

Morphological modelling using a modified multi-layer approach

HJ Steetzel, H de Vroeg, LC van Rijn… - Coastal Engineering …, 1998 -
One of the topics of the National Dutch research program COAST*2000 focuses on the long-term
(50-100 years) and large-scale (1-100 km) morphological problems of the Dutch coast …

Mathematical models for sediment concentration profiles in steady flow

LC van Rijn - Transport of Suspended Solids in Open Channels, 2022 -
This invited lecture presents a description of mathematical models for sediment concentration
profiles in steady flow. The basic equations and boundary conditions are described. …

[PDF][PDF] Sutrench model: Two-dimensional vertical mathematical model for sedimentation in dredged channels and trenches by currents and waves

LC Van Rijn, GL Tan - 1985 -
Sutrench model Page 1 Page 2 rijkswaterstaat communications sutrench-model two-dimensional
vertical mathematical model for sedimentation in dredged channels and trenches by …

The prediction of bedforms and alluvial roughness

LC Van Rijn - Mechanics of Sediment Transport, 2020 -
Mechanics of Sediment Transport Page 1 Euromech 156: Mechanics ofSediment Transport I
Istanbul I 12-14 July 1982 The prediction of bedforms and alluvial roughness LCVAN RIJN Delft …