[PDF][PDF] The unsaturated alcohol of the essential oil of freshly fermented tea-leaves
P Romburgh - KNAW, Proceedings, 1920 - dwc.knaw.nl
In 1895 in collaboration with my assistanl at that time, Mr. CEJ I. JOHlVfANN, I investigated
the ethereal oil from fl'eshly fel'mented tea I), a small quantily of which we were successful in …
the ethereal oil from fl'eshly fel'mented tea I), a small quantily of which we were successful in …
[PDF][PDF] Triformin (Glyceryl triformate)
P Romburgh - KNAW, Proceedings - dwc.knaw.nl
This agreement makes it aiready very probabie that the RbNTG} llN l'ays aiso ronsist in
transversal vibrations; these experiments however yield a firmer proof for this thesis. If namely we …
transversal vibrations; these experiments however yield a firmer proof for this thesis. If namely we …
[PDF][PDF] The occurence of b-amyrine acetate in some varieties of gutta percha
NH Cohen, P Romburgh - KNAW, Proceedings, 1905 - dwc.knaw.nl
(544) end. At last we think we have succeeded by making use of the diformate of s.-divinyl
glycol, a compound which may be prepared by heating th is glycol tor a short time with fOl'mie …
glycol, a compound which may be prepared by heating th is glycol tor a short time with fOl'mie …
Über das einfachste Fett das Glycerintriformiat
P Romburgh - Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, 1910 - degruyter.com
Bei der Ameisensäuredarstellung; nach der klassischen Methode aus Glycerin und Oxalsäure
bildet sich—als Zwischenprodukt—ein Geniisi'. h ameisensaurer Ester des Glycerins, …
bildet sich—als Zwischenprodukt—ein Geniisi'. h ameisensaurer Ester des Glycerins, …
[PDF][PDF] The reduction of acraldehyde and some derivatives of s. divinyl glycol (3.4 dihydroxy 1.5 hexadiene). On the dimplest hydrocarbon with two conjugatedsystems …
W Dorssen, P Romburgh - KNAW, Proceedings - dwc.knaw.nl
Still greater complications may appeal'when acc01: ding to Fig. 3 (previous çommunication)
thel'e exist liquids with a minimum pressl~ re and when consequently the branches 1b, 1a …
thel'e exist liquids with a minimum pressl~ re and when consequently the branches 1b, 1a …
[PDF][PDF] On some derivatives of 1-3-5-hexatriene
W Dorssen, P Romburgh - KNAW, Proceedings - dwc.knaw.nl
(111) with diformin, however,. cannot be distilled under those circurnstances, but is
decornposed with evolution of carbon monoxide and dioxide and formation of allyl fOl'mate. If …
decornposed with evolution of carbon monoxide and dioxide and formation of allyl fOl'mate. If …
[PDF][PDF] On the action of ammonia and amines on formic esters of glcols and glycerol II
P Romburgh - KNAW, Proceedings - dwc.knaw.nl
anel then powelel'ed, were extl'Ucted with col cl alcohol, no HON anel acetone cOlllel be
obtained by enzyme-action frolll ihe alcoholic l'esidue,'Vhen the cxtl'acted powdel'J. fteL'being …
obtained by enzyme-action frolll ihe alcoholic l'esidue,'Vhen the cxtl'acted powdel'J. fteL'being …
[PDF][PDF] The decomposition of penta-erythritol tetraformate on heating
P Romburgh - KNAW, Proceedings - dwc.knaw.nl
-2-(i66) 'rhis seeming rontradiction may be met by the explanation tbat the exchange of
substance between the leucocytes and the solution of NaCI, especially when Lhe Jatter is …
substance between the leucocytes and the solution of NaCI, especially when Lhe Jatter is …
[PDF][PDF] Action of methylethylketone on 2.3. 4.6. Tetranitrophenyl methylnitramine
P Romburgh - KNAW, Proceedings - dwc.knaw.nl
17. From these tables it is evident that the yeloeity of melting at the same temperatUl'e is eet.
par. greater with~-sodinrn than _ with a-sodium. Consequently the ql1untity of hea. t wa. …
par. greater with~-sodinrn than _ with a-sodium. Consequently the ql1untity of hea. t wa. …
[PDF][PDF] On the action of ammonia and amines on allyl formate
P Romburgh - KNAW, Proceedings - dwc.knaw.nl
The gl'eat ease with whieh ally 1 fOl'mate is saponified by allmlis induced me to try whethel'ammonia,
which, as is well-known, acts up on esters of fatty acids but slowl~ T at the ordinary …
which, as is well-known, acts up on esters of fatty acids but slowl~ T at the ordinary …