A study on the dimeric structure of creatine kinase (EC 2.7. 3.2)

RA Wevers, HP Olthuis, JCC Van Niel… - Clinica Chimica …, 1977 - Elsevier
The generally accepted dimeric structure of creatine kinase (CK) is one in which M subunits
and B subunits can occur. This paper reports the existence of three MM-bands and two MB-…

Isoelectric focusing and hybridisation experiments on creatine kinase (EC 2.7. 3.2)

RA Wevers, RJ Wolters, JBJ Soons - Clinica Chimica Acta, 1977 - Elsevier
In the case of increased creatine kinase levels, the MM isozyme in human serum can often
be subdivided by electrophoresis into three isozymes: MM 1 , MM 2 and MM 3 . This paper …

Criticism of the use of Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 for the quantitative determination of proteins

MGM Van Wilgenburg, EMA Werkman… - 1981 - degruyter.com
The quantitative determination of proteins in biological fluids, using Coomassie Brilliant Blue
G-250, was evaluated. Compared with the biuret method, the Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-…

Investigation of red cell size-distribution histograms related to folate, vitamin B12 and iron state in the course of pregnancy

PC Bartels, PW Helleman… - Scandinavian Journal of …, 1989 - Taylor & Francis
… 27 Bartels PC, Helleman PW, Soons JBJ. Investigation of red cell size distribution
histograms of normal male and female subjects. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 1989; 49: 225-31. …

Hematological advantage of a membrane oxygenator over a bubble oxygenator in long perfusions

PW Boonstra, FEE Vermeulen, JA Leusink… - The Annals of thoracic …, 1986 - Elsevier
To determine whether the large volumes of cardiotomy suction which occur during long
perfusions can obscure the hematological advantage of the membrane oxygenator (MO) over the …

Mitochondrial CK (EC 2.7. 3.2) in the human heart

RA Wevers, M Mul-Steinbusch, JBJ Soons - Clinica Chimica Acta, 1980 - Elsevier
CK m , a mitochondrial form of CK, can be isolated from human cardiac muscle. It occurs in
two forms, separable on the basis of the difference in net charge. Both molecules have a …

Mitochondrial creatine kinase (EC 2.7. 3.2) in the brain

RA Wevers, CPM Reutelingsperger, B Dam… - Clinica Chimica …, 1982 - Elsevier
… Wevers RA, Olthuis HP, Van Niel JCC, Van Wilgenburg MGM, Soons JBJ. A study on the
dimeric structure of creatine kinase. Clin Chim Acta 1977; 75: … MFWJ, Soons JBJ. Mitochondrial …

Indices for the age of the creatine kinase M-chain in the blood

RA Wevers, U Hagelauer, W Stein, J Bohner, U Faust… - Clinica chimica acta, 1985 - Elsevier
… MGM, Soons JBJ. A study on the dimeric structure of creature kinase (EC Ciin
Chim Acta 1977; 75: 377-385. 2 Wevers RA, Delsing M, Klein Gebbink JAG, Soons JBJ. Post …

A study on post-synthetic modifications in alfa-alfa enolase (EC 4.2. 1.11) brought about by a human serum protein

RA Wevers, JPJ Boegheim, OK Hommes… - Clinica chimica acta, 1984 - Elsevier
Human alfa-alfa enolase is modified in the blood circulation by a serum protein for which the
name ‘modifying protein’ is proposed. The protein occurs in every human serum tested and …

Purification and determination of the modifying protein responsible for the post-synthetic modification of creatine kinase (EC 2.7. 3.2) and enolase (EC 4.2. 1.11)

AAJ Van Landeghem, JBJ Soons, RA Wever… - Clinica chimica acta, 1985 - Elsevier
The purification of a serum protein, responsible for the postsynthetic modification of CK and
enolase, is described. A purification of about 1 300-fold could be reached after subsequent …