Hormonal growth promoting agents in food producing animals
RW Stephany - Doping in sports: Biochemical principles, effects and …, 2010 - Springer
In contrast to the use of hormonal doping agents in sports to enhance the performance of
athletes, in the livestock industry hormonal growth promoters (“anabolics”) are used to increase …
athletes, in the livestock industry hormonal growth promoters (“anabolics”) are used to increase …
Presence and metabolism of the anabolic steroid boldenone in various animal species: a review
HF De Brabander, S Poelmans, R Schilt… - Food Additives and …, 2004 - Taylor & Francis
The review summarizes current knowledge on the possible illegal use of the anabolic steroid
boldenone. The presence of boldenone and metabolites in different animal species and …
boldenone. The presence of boldenone and metabolites in different animal species and …
Hormones in meat: different approaches in the EU and in the USA
RW Stephany - Apmis, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
The use of hormonal active growth promoters (“hormones”) in farm animals can increase
the production of veal and beef significantly up to 15%. However, in the different parts of the …
the production of veal and beef significantly up to 15%. However, in the different parts of the …
A 13C‐NMR and IR study of isocyanides and some of their complexes
RW Stephany, MJA De Bie… - Organic Magnetic …, 1974 - Wiley Online Library
13 C chemical shifts and 1 J( 14 N 13 C) coupling constants as well as stretching frequencies
of the isocyano group are reported for some representative aliphatic, unsaturated and …
of the isocyano group are reported for some representative aliphatic, unsaturated and …
The analysis of beta-agonists in bovine muscle using molecular imprinted polymers with ion trap LCMS screening
PR Kootstra, C Kuijpers, KL Wubs, D Van Doorn… - Analytica Chimica …, 2005 - Elsevier
A liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS) method for the analysis of beta-agonists
in bovine muscle is developed. Sample clean-up is based on molecular imprinted …
in bovine muscle is developed. Sample clean-up is based on molecular imprinted …
Detection of anabolic androgenic steroid abuse in doping control using mammalian reporter gene bioassays
CJ Houtman, SS Sterk, MPM Van de Heijning… - Analytica chimica …, 2009 - Elsevier
Anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are a class of steroid hormones related to the male
hormone testosterone. They are frequently detected as drugs in sport doping control. Being …
hormone testosterone. They are frequently detected as drugs in sport doping control. Being …
Quality assurance of qualitative analysis in the framework of the European project'MEQUALAN'
The European Commission has supported the G6MA-CT-2000–01012 project on ”Metrology
of Qualitative Chemical Analysis” (MEQUALAN), which was developed during 2000–2002. …
of Qualitative Chemical Analysis” (MEQUALAN), which was developed during 2000–2002. …
Daily dietary intakes of nitrate, nitrite and volatile N-nitrosamines in the Netherlands using the duplicate portion sampling technique
RW Stephany, L Schuller - Oncology, 1980 - karger.com
In total, 201 duplicates of all foods and drinks sampled by adult volunteers during a 24-hour
sampling period have been analyzed for nitrate, nitrite and volatile N-nitrosamines. For …
sampling period have been analyzed for nitrate, nitrite and volatile N-nitrosamines. For …
Determination of resorcylic acid lactones in biological samples by GC–MS. Discrimination between illegal use and contamination with fusarium toxins
MH Blokland, SS Sterk, RW Stephany… - Analytical and …, 2006 - Springer
An EU project, FAIR5-CT-1997-3443, has been undertaken to distinguish illegal use of
zeranol from consumption of food contaminated with Fusarium spp. toxin. One of the tasks was …
zeranol from consumption of food contaminated with Fusarium spp. toxin. One of the tasks was …
Trends in the identification of organic residues and contaminants: EC regulations under revision
F André, KKG De Wasch, HF De Brabander… - TrAC Trends in …, 2001 - Elsevier
The use of identification points (IPs) is a new approach to set up quality criteria for the
identification of organic residues and contaminants: a laboratory is allowed to use any molecular …
identification of organic residues and contaminants: a laboratory is allowed to use any molecular …