[BOEK][B] Words of the world: The global language system

A De Swaan - 2013 - books.google.com
This bold and accessible study of human languages and communication explores issues
which are at the forefront of today's globalized society. The human species is divided into more …

The reluctant imperialism of the medical profession

A De Swaan - Social science & medicine, 1989 - Elsevier
Medical authority is invoked ever more frequently, also in situations that are outside the scope
of scientific medicine. The main but latent function of this medicalization is the resolution of …

[BOEK][B] Human societies: An introduction

A De Swaan - 2013 - books.google.com
This book is a brief introduction to the study of society, which may be read without any previous
knowledge of the social sciences. Each chapter addresses a fundamental question about …

[PDF][PDF] Handen thuis

A Swaan - Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift, 1984 - ugp.rug.nl
Mensen zijn lichamen en in de beschutting van de echtelijke woning, met de gordijnen dicht,
de slaap kamerdeur gesloten, kunnen die mensen als lichamen soms eindelijk zichzelf zijn…

Bedreigde talen, sociolinguïstiek en taalsentimentalisme

A de Swaan - Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen, 2003 - jbe-platform.com
In sociolinguistics, a recurrent theme is the need not only to document threatened languages,
but to ensure somehow that they will continue to be used. The basic trope is that of '…

[CITAAT][C] The management of normality: critical essays in health and welfare

A Swaan - (No Title), 1990 - cir.nii.ac.jp
The management of normality : critical essays in health and welfare | CiNii Research CiNii 国立
情報学研究所 学術情報ナビゲータ[サイニィ] 詳細へ移動 検索フォームへ移動 論文・データをさがす …

Theoristen versus behavioristen

A Swaan - Acta Politica, 1969 - scholarlypublications …
The development of a strict methodology of observation and analysis in social science has
always met with resistance. In the current debate on this topic in the United States two …

[CITAAT][C] Coalition theories and cabinet formations: a study of formal theories of coalition formation applied to nine European parliaments after 1918

A Swaan, A Rapoport - (No Title), 1973 - cir.nii.ac.jp
Coalition theories and cabinet formations : a study of formal theories of coalition formation
applied to nine European parliaments after 1918 | CiNii Research CiNii 国立情報学研究所 学術 …

[PDF][PDF] Discussies

I Baas-Hoffschulte, A Swaan, H Kroode… - Amsterdams …, 1985 - ugp.rug.nl
Er ontstond enig gemor toen A. de Swaan op een congres van en voor huisartsen de
oorspronkelijke versie van zijn arti kel" Handen Thuis" voordroeg (cf. De Volkskrant, 05-11-83). Dat …

Les cercles croissants de la désidentification psycho-et sociogenèse de la haine réflexions sur le Rwanda

A De Swaan - Revue de synthèse, 2001 - brill.com
Pourquoi des hommes manifestent-ils si souvent à l'égard d'autres hommes, des étrangers
lointains qu'ils n'ont jamais rencontrés et ne rencontreront probablement jamais, des …