Gebruikersprofielen voor "Veenhoven, R. "

Ruut Veenhoven

Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands, Erasmus happiness Economics Research …
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[BOEK][B] Onroerend goed als belegging

P van Gool, P Jager, M Theebe, R Veenhoven… - 2020 -
Sinds de eerste druk van Onroerend goed als belegging in 1993 is er veel gebeurd in de
vastgoedsector. In de afgelopen negentien jaren hebben zich op tal van markten grote …

[PDF][PDF] Het grootste geluk voor het grootste aantal: Geluk als richtsnoer voor beleid

R Veenhoven - 2002 -
Het doel van deze leeropdracht is meer te weten te komen over maatschappelijke voorwaarden
voor menselijk geluk. De vraag is of dat kan helpen bij het maken politieke keuzes, …

Healthy happiness: Effects of happiness on physical health and the consequences for preventive health care

R Veenhoven - Journal of happiness studies, 2008 - Springer
Is happiness good for your health? This common notion is tested in a synthetic analysis of
30 follow-up studies on happiness and longevity. It appears that happiness does not predict …

Developments in satisfaction-research

R Veenhoven - Social indicators research, 1996 - Springer
This paper reviews advances in the study of satisfaction in the context of Social Indicators
Research. Five developments are considered: (1) changes in the conceptualization of …

The study of life-satisfaction

R Veenhoven - 1996 -
This chapter reviews the literature on life satisfaction. Six questions are considered: 1) What
is the point of studying life-satisfaction? 2) What is life-satisfaction? 3) Can life-satisfaction …

Vergelijken van geluk in landen

R Veenhoven - Sociale wetenschappen, 1998 -
(OF PAPER IN DUTCH) The livability of a society is likely to reflect in the happiness of its
members. Therefore, several studies have compared happiness in nations. In these studies, …

Wealth and Happiness Revisited – Growing National Income Does Go with Greater Happiness

MR Hagerty, R Veenhoven - Social indicators research, 2003 - Springer
``Will raising the incomes of all increase the happiness of all?'' Intuitionsays `yes' but theories
of relative utility caution that the answer may be`no'. The theory of relative utility holds that …

Inequality of happiness in nations

R Veenhoven - Journal of Happiness Studies, 2005 - Springer
The first comparison of happiness in nations took place in 1948 and involved nine countries
(Buchanan, 1953). A second comparative study in 1960 covered 14 nations (Cantril, 1965) …

Freedom and happiness: A comparative study in forty-four nations in the early 1990s

R Veenhoven - 2000 -
``Freedom, equality, and brotherhood''was the credo of the French Revolution. This entreaty
was linked to the concept of happiness, which was also under discussion by fashionable …

[BOEK][B] Conditions of happiness

R Veenhoven - 2013 -
This book is about the degree to which people take pleasure in life: in short'happiness'. It
tries to identify conditions that favor a positive appreciation of life. Thus it hopes to shed more …