Official and popular religion as a problem in Islamic studies

JDJ Waardenburg - Official and popular religion: Analysis of a theme …, 1979 -
In his Kitab iqticta'as-sirat alarmstaqZm mukhalafat ashab al-jahvn(Book of the Necessity of
the Straight Path Against the People of Hell)(2), Ibn Taimiya (1263-1328 AD) combats what …

Notes on Islam and development

JDJ Waardenburg, J Waardenburg - Exchange, 1973 -
In the present paper we are not concerned with a religious appreciation or a theological
judgment of Islam, or parts of it. Our starting-point is that of the study of religion, as carried out in …

The right to ritual: Mosques in The Netherlands

J Waardenburg - NTT Journal for Theology and the Study of …, 1983 -
Between the two world wars Indonesian students in Holland had an Islamic society", in 1953
the Dutch government erected a mosque for Muslim Moluccans in Balk (Frisland)" and the …

The study of Islam in Dutch scholarship

J Waardenburg - dalam Azim Nanji (ed.), Mapping Islamic Studies …, 1997 -
Holland is a small country bordering the North Sea which has carried on extensive international
trade since the seventeenth century and for more than a century governed a colonial …

Grundsätzliches zur Religionsphänomenologie

JDJ Waardenburg - 1972 -
Um dem Thema gerecht zu werden, sprechen wir hier nicht so sehr als Religionshistoriker,
sondern eher als phänomenologische Analytiker. Es wird sich also nicht um eine …

Religion and Society 19

JDJ Waardenburg, PH Vrijhof… - Official and Popular …, 1979 -

[BOEK][B] Institutionele vormgevingen van de islam in Nederland gezien in Europees perspectief

JDJ Waardenburg - 2001 -
Als vervolg op zijn eerdere rapporten over het allochtonenbeleid (1979 en 1989) heeft de
WRR een studie ondernomen op het gebied van de multiculturele samenleving. Deze studie …

49. Modern Standard Arabic

N Tomiche, K Versteegh, JDJ Waardenburg, H Wehr… -
49. Modern Standard Arabic Page 1 VI. The Semitic Languages and Dialects IV: Languages of
the Arabian Peninsula 844 Tomiche, N. 1993 Nahḍa. In: CE Bosworth et al. (eds.). The …

Anniversary Meeting

TH Robinson, HG Fanner, L Kopf, MJC Bottoms, M DJ… -
The Hon. Treasurer, Professor CF Beckingham, said that subject to the audit which would be
taking place during the summer the accounts for 1965 should show a small surplus, but the …

Über die Religion der Religionswissenschaft

JDJ Waardenburg - 1984 -
In der gegenwärtigen und zum Teil sehr heftig geführten Diskussion um den Religionsbegriff
spielt die Frage nach dem, was Religion eigentlich sei, angesichts der Unterschiedlichkeit …