Some topics in the theory of fluids

B Widom - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 1963 -
It is shown how certain thermodynamic functions, and also the radial distribution function, can
be expressed in terms of the potential energy distribution in a fluid. A miscellany of results …

Equation of state in the neighborhood of the critical point

B Widom - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 1965 -
A specific form is proposed for the equation of state of a fluid near its critical point. A function
Φ(x, y) is introduced, with x a measure of the temperature and y of the density. Fluids …

[BOEK][B] Molecular theory of capillarity

JS Rowlinson, B Widom - 2013 -
Tracing the history of thought on the molecular origins of surface phenomena, this volume
offers a critical and detailed examination and assessment of modern theories. The opening …

Surface tension and molecular correlations near the critical point

B Widom - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 1965 -
The van der Waals, Cahn—Hilliard theory of interfacial tension is reformulated for a fluid in
the neighborhood of its critical point. The reformulated theory becomes equivalent to the …

Potential-distribution theory and the statistical mechanics of fluids

B Widom - The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1982 - ACS Publications
By the potential-distribution principle of statistical mechanics the canonical average of the
Boltzmannfactor of the interaction potential as measured by a test particle is the ratio of the …

Random sequential addition of hard spheres to a volume

B Widom - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 1966 -
The configurations produced by placing spheres one at a time in a volume, subject to no
overlap of the spheres but otherwise placing each at a point chosen at random, differ in a …

New model for the study of liquid–vapor phase transitions

B Widom, JS Rowlinson - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 1970 -
A new model is proposed for the study of the liquid–vapor phase transition. The potential
energy of a given configuration of N molecules is defined by U( r 1 , ···, r N ) = [W( r 1 , ···, r N ) − …

Intermolecular Forces and the Nature of the Liquid State: Liquids reflect in their bulk properties the attractions and repulsions of their constituent molecules.

B Widom - Science, 1967 -
The central problem in an attempt to understandthe nature of a liquid from first principles is
that of account-ing for its bulk macroscopicproperties in terms of the structure, motion, and …

[BOEK][B] Statistical mechanics: a concise introduction for chemists

B Widom - 2002 -
Statistical mechanics is the theoretical apparatus used to study the properties of macroscopic
systems-systems made up of many atoms or molecules-and relates those properties to the …

Structure and free energy of the interface between fluid phases in equilibrium near the critical point

S Fisk, B Widom - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 1969 -
The theory of van der Waals and of Cahn and Hilliard, which yields the density or concentration
profile through an interface and the associated interfacial tension, is generalized by …