Weakening of rock salt by water during long-term creep
The rheological properties of rock salt are of fundamental importance in predicting the long-term
evolution of salt-based radioactive waste repositories and strategic storage caverns, …
evolution of salt-based radioactive waste repositories and strategic storage caverns, …
[BOEK][B] Linear port-Hamiltonian systems on infinite-dimensional spaces
This book provides a self-contained introduction to the theory of infinite-dimensional systems
theory and its applications to port-Hamiltonian systems. The textbook starts with elementary …
theory and its applications to port-Hamiltonian systems. The textbook starts with elementary …
Experimental determination of constitutive parameters governing creep of rocksalt by pressure solution
CJ Spiers, P Schutjens, RH Brzesowsky… - Geological Society …, 1990 - lyellcollection.org
Theoretical models for compaction creep of porous aggregates, and for conventional creep
of dense aggregates, by grain boundary diffusion controlled pressure solution are examined. …
of dense aggregates, by grain boundary diffusion controlled pressure solution are examined. …
The geology of the Central Pyrenees
HJ Zwart - Leidse Geologische Mededelingen, 1979 - repository.naturalis.nl
The present memoir is the final report of a geological mapping project which has been executed
by staff and students of the Department of Structural Geology of the Geological Institute …
by staff and students of the Department of Structural Geology of the Geological Institute …
On the determination of polymetamorphic mineral associations, and its application to the Bosost area (Central Pyrenees)
HJ Zwart - Geologische Rundschau, 1962 - Springer
A method to demonstrate the simultaneous development of different minerals is discussed.
Minerals are contemporaneous when they have formed before and after a point in time. …
Minerals are contemporaneous when they have formed before and after a point in time. …
Porphyroblast rotation: eppur si muove*?
CW Passchier, RAJ Trouw, HJ Zwart… - Journal of …, 1992 - Wiley Online Library
In a number of recent papers, the theory has been postulated that porphyroblasts as a rule
do not rotate with respect to geographical coordinates, and can be used to determine the …
do not rotate with respect to geographical coordinates, and can be used to determine the …
The Variscan geology of the Pyrenees
HJ Zwart - Tectonophysics, 1986 - Elsevier
The main outlines of the geology of the Variscan part of the Pyrenees are discussed. Rocks
involved in this cycle are high-grade basement gneisses, Palaeozoic sediments and their …
involved in this cycle are high-grade basement gneisses, Palaeozoic sediments and their …
Long-term rheological and transport properties of dry and wet salt rocks
CJ Spiers, CJ Peach, RH Brzesowsky, P Schutjens… - 1988 - inis.iaea.org
[en] This report forms a final report on Aims 1 to 3 of Contract No FI1W-0051-NL. It is
opened in Section 2 with a consideration of the theoretical background necessary for a state-of-the-…
opened in Section 2 with a consideration of the theoretical background necessary for a state-of-the-…
The influence of fluid-rock interaction on the rheology of salt rock
[en] This report documents work done on the rheological and dilatant properties of dry and
wet salt during the period 1 November 1981 to 31 December 1983. The report opens with a …
wet salt during the period 1 November 1981 to 31 December 1983. The report opens with a …
Hercynian crustal-scale extensional shear zone in the Pyrenees
B Eeckhout, HJ Zwart - Geology, 1988 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Detailed structural analysis of metasedimentary rocks and gneisses in the Hospitalet massif
(Pyrenees) has revealed that upright structures in low-grade rocks are in a structurally …
(Pyrenees) has revealed that upright structures in low-grade rocks are in a structurally …